< support us
FBM is a non-profit organization in fase of registration (ETS). It is financed through the realization of projects, the participation in regional, national and European calls and through donations from other bodies, public or private.
100% of the donations received are used to finance projects and implement the Foundation's mission.
100% of the donations received are used to finance projects and implement the Foundation's mission.
To donate you can make a bank transfer using the following banking details:
BANCA di Credito cooperativo BCC di Roma- Ag 157 - Italy
Name: Fondazione Bertugno-Moulinier
IBAN: IT12I0832703267000000002422
C.F.: 96471660587
Fondazione Bertugno-Moulinier does not rent, share, or sell any donor contact information (address, phone, email) with third-party organizations.
Fondazione Bertugno-Moulinier is pleased to partner with Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) to provide tax benefits to our donors.
Our membership in the TGE Network allows donors resident in countries different from Italy to contribute to Fondazione Bertugno - Moulinier through the different European Partner Foundations. These latter will take care of the donations and will issue the fiscal receipt.
To proceed with a tax-advantaged gift, please contact one of the Partner Foundations: https://www.transnationalgiving.eu/italy.htm
Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) network was established in 1998 and brings together 20 of Europe's most prestigious grant-making foundations, working together and with numerous non-profit organisations to encourage donations across borders